Friday 5 August 2011

Full Length Movie: "The Message - The Story of Islam" (1977)

The Message (1977)
Director: Moustapha Akkad
Writers: H.A.L. Craig & Tewfik El-Hakim
Language: English - Arabic
Release Date: 8 July 1977 (France)
Runtime: 177 min

- Cast:

Anthony Quinn as Hamza
Irene Papas as Hind
Michael Ansara as Abu Sufyan
Johnny Sekka as Bilal
Michael Forest as Khalid
André Morell as Abu-Talib
Robert Brown as Utba
Garrick Hagon as Ammar
Rosalie Crutchley as Sumayyah
Damien Thomas as Zayd
Bruno Barnabe as Umaya
Martin Benson as Abu Jahl
Neville Jason as Jaafar
John Bennett as ebn Salool
George Camiller as Alwaleed
Donald Burton as Amr
Nicolas Amer as Suhayl
Earl Cameron as al-Najashi
Ronald Chenery as Mus`ab
Michael Godfrey as Barra
Habib Ageli as Hudhayfah
John Humphry as Ubada
Peter Madden as Toothless Man
Ewen Solon as Yasir

- Plot:

"The Message" is a 1976 film directed by Moustapha Akkad, chronicling the life and times of the prophet of Islam, Muhammad. Released in both Arabic and English, Mohammad, Messenger of God serves as an introduction to early Islamic history.

The film follows Muhammad first years as a prophet starting with Islam's beginnings in Mecca in which the Muslims are persecuted, the exodus to Medina, and ending with the Muslims' triumphant return to Mecca. A number of crucial events, such as the Battle of Badr and Battle of Uhud are depicted, and the majority of the story is told from the point-of-view of peripheral individuals such as Hamza ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib (Muhammad's uncle), Abu Sufyan (the leader of Mecca) and his wife Hind bint Utbah (enemies of Islam who later become Muslims themselves). (Source: Wikipedia)

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